Professional Experience:
NAS Environmental Consulting
Carson City, Nevada
Provide clients (federal, state, municipal, and private) with assistance in environmental compliance and natural resource management. Experienced in industries including, but not limited to, renewable energy, oil & gas, mining & minerals, transportation, telecommunications, airports, and utilities .
Reno, Nevada
Managed, developed and, authored environmental compliance documents. Managed and participated in biological resources (threatened & endangered (T&E) species; wildlife and plant species; invasive, non-native and noxious weeds, vegetation/wildlife habitat and wetlands/waters of the US) projects. Experience managing project budgets, schedules and staff.
Coordinated development and approval of environmental compliance documents with federal agencies including the Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and US Army Corps of Engineers.
Developed and implemented biological surveying and monitoring plans for habitat assessments, T&E, and special status wildlife and plant species; and developed biological resource reports. Consulted with US Fish & Wildlife Service in compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Maintained a safe working environment within and outside the office. Maintained professional client and contractor relationships. Ensured project Quality Assurance and Control. Conducted peer review of technical and environmental compliance documents. Prepared technical and price proposals individually and as part of a team.
Senior Environmental Scientist/Project/Staff
Reno, Nevada
Managed and participated in the development of NEPA/CEQA documents. Managed biological resources (T&E species, wildlife and plant species; invasive, non-native and noxious weeds; vegetation/wildlife habitat; and wetlands/waters of the US) projects.
Developed and implemented biological surveying and monitoring projects. Developed biological resources reports, and Biological Assessments/Biological Evaluations. Peer reviewed technical reports and NEPA documents.
Managed project budgets, schedules and staff. Coordinated NEPA/CEQA projects with federal, state, and local agencies. Maintained professional client and contractor relationships. Ensured project Quality Assurance and Control. Prepared technical and price proposals individually and as part of a team.
Responded to BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill as part of the Natural Resources Damage Assessment Team.
Wildlife Biologist
Great Basin Bird Observatory
Reno, Nevada
Captured, banded and collected physical data from and released song birds as part of the an avian Monitoring, Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Little Valley, Washoe County, Nevada, and Numana wetlands, Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Participated in data entry into MAPS database.
Coordinated and supervised volunteers in conducting avian breeding bird surveys throughout Nevada. Conducted individual avian breeding bird and monitoring surveys throughout northern Nevada.
Carson City, Nevada
Developed and implemented habitat assessments, conducted breeding/nesting and monitoring surveys for the northern goshawk and spotted owl. Contributed to development of the wildlife sections of Environmental Assessments (EAs), Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), and BAs in compliance with NEPA. Prepared biological resource reports.
Wildlife Biologist
USFS Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
outh Lake Tahoe, California
Contributed to development of the wildlife sections of Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)/Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) in compliance with NEPA/CEQA. Prepared biological reports, BAs and coordinated with US Fish & Wildlife service on projects that could impact T&E species, per Section 7 Consultation. Developed and implemented habitat assessments, conducted breeding and monitoring surveys for northern goshawk and bald eagle, small mammal live-trapping surveys, pine marten track-plate surveys, and avian breeding bird surveys. Developed and implemented Canada goose nest monitoring and maintenance of man-made goose nesting platforms.
Co-authored Birds of the Lake Tahoe Basin, Bird Checklist. Published 1993, Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association in cooperation.
Volunteer Experience:
Friends of Silver Saddle Ranch
Carson City, Nevada
Directed the FOSSR Board in organizational planning and development in observance of the mission statement that promotes the preservation of historic Silver Saddle Ranch (SSR), conservation of area natural resources including the Carson River, cultural resources, and development and implementation of environmental education and passive recreation activities.
2006 to Present
Guided FOSSR, Carson City Open Space Program, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carson City Field Office and National Park Service: Rivers, Trails and Conservation Program in the cooperative effort to develop and implement the Silver Saddle Ranch (SSR) and Carson River Community Planning Project (Planning Area).
Organized and implemented two community workshops for the public to provide input on what the future of the Planning Area should be. Requested and received approximately 50 participants (federal, state and local agencies, non-profits and individuals) for a 2-day charrette where the public workshop information was reintroduced. Teams worked to identify natural resource concerns, trails and recreational activities, and SSR and Prison Hill Recreation Area (PHRA) development opportunities. The final report was published in December 2008.
Promoted the conservation of SSR and the Carson River through involvement in the Carson City Federal Lands Bill. Provided input on the Conservation Easement idea and language for the protection of SSR and the Prison Hill Recreation Area included in the Carson City Vital Community Act, introduced to the US Senate and approved in September 2008.
Authored Birds of Silver Saddle Ranch, Bird Checklist. Published 2003, Friends of Silver Saddle Ranch, Carson City, NV, in cooperation with Lahontan Audubon Society, Reno, NV and Bureau of Land Management, Carson City, NV.
Technical Editor: A Community Vision: Silver Saddle Ranch and the Carson River Charrette Summary Report, Friends of Silver Saddle Ranch, Published 2008.
Vice President
Friends of Silver Saddle Ranch
Carson City, Nevada
Assisted in the development of the FOSSR Board and 501(c)3 organization.
Field Trip Leader
Lahonton Audubon Society
Lead field trips for Lahontan Audubon Society, Friends of Silver Saddle Ranch, and Galena Creek Visitors Center. Trips are located in Carson City, Lake Tahoe and Galena, NV.
Reno, Nevada
Responsible for conservation activities as Silver Saddle Ranch, Carson City Nevada, including the preservation and improvement of native habitats (sagebrush scrub, riparian and wetland) adjacent to the Carson River, development and monitoring of bird nest boxes and education of community members.
Reno, Nevada
Wildlife Biologist
Great Basin Bird Observatory
Reno, Nevada
Captured, banded and collected physical data from and released song birds as part of the an avian Monitoring, Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) Program in Little Valley, Washoe County, Nevada, and Numana wetlands, Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Participated in data entry into MAPS database.
Coordinated and supervised volunteers in conducting avian breeding bird surveys throughout Nevada. Conducted individual avian breeding bird and monitoring surveys throughout northern Nevada.
Committee Member
NV Important Bird Area Technical Advisory Committee
Assited with team review and selection of Nevada Important Bird Areas as proposed by individuals and groups knowledable in areas of avian significance in Nevada.
NV Important Bird Area Program – Lahontan Audubon Society
Reno, Nevada
Monitored the Nevada Important Bird Area Program and Program Director, for the Lahontan Audubon Society. Provided program, administrative and financial guidance from the Lahontan Audubon Society President and Board of Directors to the NV Important Bird Areas Program Director.
Received Certificate of Merit, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, In recognition of contributions to the LTBMU Wildlife Program – FY93 and 94, September 1994.